這門科學未來能否落實在教育中,也在美國國家科學研究院(National Academy of Sciences)掀起討論。
Corporations are notorious for introducing technology without considering the human consequences.
In other words, IBM is combining anthropology, game theory and behavioral economics with technologies from its labs to see if it can make corporate processes run smoother. The first person recruited from outside IBM to join the group was, in fact, an anthropologist.

The goal of the program essentially is to better marry the company's extensive research division to the fast-growing services group.

In 2003, the group worked on some 100 customer projects in the On Demand Innovation Services program. Assignments have included finding a way to implement speech-recognition systems so that customers or employees would actually use them.

 Eric Johnson, a professor at the Columbia Business School, has found that maximizing "stickiness"--or increasing the time a customer spends on a Web site--is actually a bad goal for e-commerce companies to pursue. Stickiness usually connotes that customers are getting lost on a Web site. By contrast, has seen revenue rise and stickiness decline, because easy navigation brings customers back.
The world economy is experiencing the largest labor force migration in history. Driven by an environment that includes global communications, business growth and technology innovation, services now accounts for more than 50 percent of the labor force in Brazil, Russia, Japan and Germany, as well as 75 percent of the labor force in the United States and the United Kingdom.
 Unfortunately, this shift to focusing on services has created a skills gap, especially in the area of high value services, which requires people who are knowledgeable about business and information technology, as well as the human factors that go into a successful services operation. Many leading universities have begun exploring and investing in this area, working in tandem with thought leaders in the business world. In May 2004, this group suggested that an entirely new academic discipline may be called for - first roughly described as services science at a summit held at IBM. Subsequent meetings have caused the discipline to evolve into the more appropriate Services Sciences, Management and Engineering title now used.

What skills are needed for these economies in the 21st century? A services-based economy requires different skills than a manufacturing-based economy:

  • next wave of computer science, engineering, and IT
  • next wave of business management and administration
  • next wave of operations research, industrial and systems engineering
  • next wave of business anthropology, economics, and social science

1. Learn about services as a science

Visit the SSME IBM Research Web site
Read selections from the recommended reading list
Attend SSME-related conferences
Use course-related materials to create your own courseware

3. Collaborate with other universities who are leaders in SSME research: Berkley, Arizona State University, Carnegie-Mellon, Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oxford, Tsing Hua, North Carolina State University, Georgia Tech, San Jose State University and Stanford.

4. Participate in SSME evolution

  • Champion efforts to promote SSME
  • Conduct research in various challenge areas
  • Build new course curriculum for degree programs
  • Post SSME curricula and courseware on IBM Academic Initiative web site for collaboration
  • Engage in SSME conferences and events

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    凌 于右


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