目前分類:Communication (2)

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In regard to your previous discussion,......
As for what kind of XXX you should choose...

凌 于右 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    "we all know people who are not calibrated to the social world at all,who if they participated in gossip sessions would learn a whole lot of stuff they need to know and can't learn anywhere else,like how reliable people are,how trustworthy."--The New York Times
"All societies have economic systems regardless of whether or not they use money.All societies have customers for regulating access to natural resources,for transforming these resources through labor into necessities and other desired items,and for distributing,and perhaps exchanging,goods and services."
"In other words,what they needed was a succinct and practical set of guidelines for studying that would help them gain conscious control over procedures and skills that while (procedures and skills are) not wholly lacking were not always there when they needed them."

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