目前分類:MBA (3)

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  • Jan 15 Thu 2009 14:00
  • 外匯


quoted from: http://www.cnyes.com/promote/out/class.htm#00

(1)生產者物價指數(PPI)Producer Price Index
(2)消費者物價指數(CPI) Consumer Price Index


凌 于右 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



人還是要小小的規劃一下I believe that you watch too much TV. May I share a bit of information from Canada?
The working force in Canada, over 50% have Bachelor degree. Everybody want to be the manager, who is the staff. MBA doesn't mean much to the employer [for the extra 2 year], but your experience count. Also, the Wall Street and Bay Street law firm and accounting firm started a trend to subcontract out the back office work to the third world country. The profession you are going in is in change. Watch out. The outcome may not be as what you expect.
I will say business sense and lifetime learning is very important for any professional. There is no easy money.

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